Following a piece recorded at the Nossa Senhora do Rosário’s church organ, to be released soon in the third volume of the ‘Organic Music Tapes’ series, Tiago Sousa returns to this sacred space to present a new piece on the tricentennial instrument, commissioned by OUT.RA. An essential fixture in Barreiro, Sousa’s been patiently delivering a precious body of work for the organ and piano that gracefully swings between contemporary composition and minimalism. A thorough and deeply personal expression that enriches our canon through records like ‘Samsara’, ‘Um Piano Nas Barricadas’ or ‘Angst’. Particularly fertile in the last couple of years, Sousa released the first two volumes of ‘Organic Music Tapes’ through Sucata Tapes and ‘Ripples on the Surface’ through Holuzam. Records where the organ takes center stage, inspired by the American minimalism of Terry Riley or Philip Glass but with a strong personal approach. Photo: Vera Marmelo
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