
152 posts

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Nas últimas semanas, tenho dado por mim a pensar sobre a saturação e crescente toxicidade das redes sociais. Ao mesmo tempo, cada vez mais questiono a sua real eficácia em fazer chegar o meu trabalho às pessoas. A verdade é que o jogo algorítmico é um jogo muito específico. A […]

By the sea

This music has a kind of order, but it’s not quite what we are used to understand by order. When we speak of order, we may be referring to something very tidy, symmetrical, squared… In the opposite direction, think about a cloud, or at foam patterns, or at grain patterns […]

Spheres Dance

The organism expresses itself spontaneously. A context in which everything occurs by itself. It does not need to be controlled, it is propitiated. However, spontaneous does not mean fortuitous. The path to “spontaneity” is trodden by the tireless practice of simple processes. Actions that go in favor of the cycles […]